simple bootstrap web site maker


This is not only unstopped offroad  truk. This is tamed giant aligator with character of antilope!

Diezel 84.3 hp
(61 KW)

This economical engine use only 5.7 l/h

Speed on a field 50 Km/h

Load 1000 Kg

This speed  fast move you through  off-road. Kip you up in the clear shoos into the place where nobody has gone before

Speed on a water 4 Km/h

Amfibie with more than 1 T of load guaranted

This machine can swim. It didn't feell,, what surface is under it;s tiers. Sherp with full load  never stop, It only go slowly.

Load 1000 Kg

With full off-road freedom

There are a lot of place for 5 big men including comfortable sliping beds.

5 Sliping places

Chn of blocks

In two trak's blocks , hero images, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Mobile drilling rig

Unlimited mobile drilling machine for search the oil and get water

Good for seriouse businnes with rerturn for one and halg year - Drill service provider.